I am happy to share the news that On gases, clouds, fogs and mists, a special edition of the journal Coolabah has been published. I guest edited this issue that collects articles and creative writing on the theme of atmospheres. While set in a variety of geographic regions and spanning different historical time periods, a through line in these works is their concern for the embodied experience of atmospheres. As I outline in the introduction, Apparitions and Atmospheres, they are full of ghosts, monsters and unexplained apparitions, gaseous forms that demand our attention. These apparitions are not just figments of one’s imagination or mere frightened projections, they are made of real atmospheric effects that exist outside of human perception or narration of them.
Coolabah is the electronic journal of the paper edition journal formerly called EUCALYPT. It is the official journal of the Observatori: Centre d' Estudis Australians i Transnacionals - The Observatory: Australian and Transnational Studies Centre at the Universitat de Barcelona and aims for an academic audience and the interested general reader.
Special thanks to editor Cornelis Martin Renes and the Coolabah editorial board for their guidance throughout the process. And a special thanks to Shima editor Phil Hayward for suggesting the potential of such a special issue. A big thank you is also due to all the reviewers and, of course, to the authors Philip R Hayward, Oliver D. Smith, Erin Malley, Simone Lazaroo, Marea Mitchell, Chris Dymond, Vicente Bicudo de Castro, Heitor Coelho, and Danilo Bantim Frambach for their excellent original contributions to the issue.