"Sea City Clam Tower" is a new installation I collaborated on with Crystal W. M. Chan for the Art Macao Biennale at the Macau Center for Contemporary Art at the Navy Yard. This exhibition continues some of the ecological themes from out first collaboration through a consideration of the changing relationship to the sea and local seafood industries and cuisine. We have also taken inspiration from the ancient Chinese mythology about the origin of mirages seen at sea (Hodges 2021). In these myths, the breathe of clams was thought responsible for mirages of distant islands seen on the horizon. In our installation, oysters are used as they speak to Macao's early history as a oyster farming and fishing community. The design of the installation also evokes the use of aquarium tanks in many local seafood restaurants were live seafood is often on display.
Hodges, B.K. (2021). “Atmospheric Visions: mirages, methane seeps and ‘clam-monsters’ in the Yellow Sea,” Shima Volume 16 no. 1 DOI: 10.21463/shima.132